Investigators Class - Years 2, 3 & 4
Croeso i Investigators!
Blwyddyn 2, 3 a 4 efo Mr Roberts a Mrs Wilkins
Who are we?
The Investigator's are a mixed Years 2, 3 and 4 class taught by Mr Roberts, the class teacher and Mrs Wilkins, the classroom teaching assistant.
We are a happy, caring and hard working class and we always try our best in everything that we do. We have a bright and engaging classroom and enjoy trying new things. We work well together as a team but also enjoy working independently. We love learning!
Our classroom is organised into different areas for our learning. We have a creative station in which we love to use lots of different equipment to make things. We have a maths station in which we use have of resources to help us with our numeracy skills. There are other stations in our classroom that help us with learning for our new curriculum for Wales.
Important Information:
School Times: The register is taken at 9:00 a.m. Please be in school before this time.
PE: PE lessons for the summer term are on a Thursday. Please come to school in your PE kit on this day.
Outdoor Learning: In the Summer Term, we have an outdoor learning session with Mrs Williams on a Tuesday morning. We also try and utilise the outdoors as much as possible and love to take our learning outside!
SeeSaw: We use the SeeSaw app to liaise with our parents. The app is free to download. Please ensure you have access to SeeSaw as this is where all of our messages, notices and work from your child are shared.
Reading Books: Books are taken home to be read. Children read and discuss their book in school and are encouraged to read at home as much as possible. We kindly ask that parents listen to their children and comment in their reading records.
Reading Days: We read in school as often as we can and as well as 1-1 reading with Mr Roberts and Mrs Wilkins each week, there are plenty of opportunities to access lots of other reading materials in our classroom and in our school outdoor library. We also choose a class book to read together each term and base lots of our language work using that book. This terms class book is Roald Dahl's 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'.
Homework/Learning Log: A homework grid of activities is sent home via SeeSaw at the beginning of each term. We encourage the children to complete as many of the tasks as possible over the term and share their work on the SeeSaw app. As well as these tasks, we also encourage the children to practice learning their times tables throughout the year and also practice writing their spelling patterns in various ways.
Topic work: We deliver three topics per year, one every term. The children are set a problem/question/challenge at the beginning of the term and work with the class teacher to plan how they are going to solve what is being asked of them. We always work towards producing something at the end of a topic and the class will always be involved in sharing this in some way, whether that be to their peers, parents or to the local community.
This year's topics have been:
Autumn Term: Me, Myself and I
Spring Term: The Future is Digital
This Summer Term's topic is called: Awe and Wonder!